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SoftwarePortalPlus's avatar

Windows 9 Build 10666 RC2 _CONCEPT_ / Desktop , P1



We'd love that so much :P

And yeah... That the first thing of my new series called "Windows 9 Build 10666 RC2". The series will include a concept work about my vision for Windows 9.

Icons :
All other work goes to me :P

Hope you like it guys :P :)
P.S. Do not use this concept on your project and/or articles without crediting! Sometime ago I just searching Google about pictures of Windows 8.1 (don't remember why :P ) and I found that some IT news site are using my pictures of the concept series of Windows 8.1! So remember - you can mention this image, but put a source of and do not modify it!!!
Image size
1366x768px 1.47 MB
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I-use-windows-vista's avatar
I like the new side bar design
I like the new internet explorer icon
the new "this PC" and "recycle bin/trash" icons matches the flat UI perfectly
I support the metro to be in tablets only
Windows NT 6.4 or they will leave the NT6 and jump to NT7 to be NT 7.0

yo ccan give MS some new ideas for the designs, you are awesome